August 01, 2007

Who wants to play balderdash?

I remember when I was growing up, we used to eat some of our Holiday meals at my Grandpa and Grandma Gibson's house. I suppose I should mention that they really were not my actual grandparents, there were my Uncle's wife's parents. So we really were not related, but since my dad's parents died before I ever knew them, I came to know the Gibson's as Grandpa and Grandma.

Anyway, one of my memories of being there was when the whole family would get together and play games. There were many games we played, but for some unknown reason to me, I will always remember playing Balderdash. I imagine that because I was still fairly young and I have a very creative uncle and two people who work in a medical field in my family and the definitions created by them for different words, were often quite funny to me. Maybe it was just being together and laughing that I remember, or maybe something else, but whatever it was, I have a very fond affection for Balderdash now. It makes me feel good to think of it as a game, despite the fact that I probably do not enjoy it as much now as I did then.

Well, the point of all of this is that I have recently come across a video of a guy who asks his friends if they want the play Balderdash and it made me laugh. I am not sure if you would think it was funny, but I can just see myself running into a room full of my family (when I was younger of couse, I would never do this now) and begging them to come play Balderdash or some other game with me. I know now, you are all curious, so here is the video


Unknown said...

HELP! I can't see it. Email it to me?!

Anonymous said...


The word is "Leptorrhinian"

Is it:
1. Looking younger than one really is
2. An intensive effort to finish a project before a deadline
3. Having a long narrow nose
4. A person who tolerates all religions or beliefs

There are words for all of the above but only one of these is the correct definition for this word.

Uncle Jerry

Nate said...


Got to go with the long nose, just becuase I think you would enjoy making a joke about my mom's nose at this point :) Thanks for some fun!!!

Anonymous said...

You're too sharp......