November 09, 2005

I once dated a guy who, when asked what he thought my biggest character flaw was, said I wore too many t-shirts. Seriously. The relationship didn't work out for unresolvable intellectual differences. :)

But I have been thinking about the t-shirt thing lately and am sort of curious why it is so noticeable that I wear them almost everyday. I also wear jeans and underwear everyday and that's not note-worthy. Why is it strange that I would wear a t-shirt everyday when it is apparently not strange to wear cute stupid functionless high-maintenance shows-too-much shirts everyday?

It is not that I don't care what I wear. I have actually thought this out and have several good reasons why I choose t-shirts over "girly" shirts:
1. T-shirts are not stumbling over my outfit! Girly shirts are known to be a source of struggle for men.
2. T-shirts go with jeans, which is almost all I own. Girly shirts require the additional purchase of girly pants, which require the additional purchase of special underwear that doesn't show all just gets very expensive.
3. T-shirts do not show sweaty armpits as quickly as tighter girly shirts do.
4. T-shirts are versatile and appropriate for any daily activity in any season. I can go for a walk, run to Wal-Mart, visit my neighbors, go to a movie, grocery shop, rake leaves, and meet someone for coffee all in the same day and never have to change my clothes, even if I break a small sweat (see #3 above).
5. T-shirts are inexpensive, long-lasting, and they wash easily, making them a very economical choice. Girly shirts have special washing instructions, and often cost more than t-shirts but wear out faster.

I'd be interested in hearing some good reasons why I should NOT wear a t-shirt everyday. Anyone?