November 09, 2005

I once dated a guy who, when asked what he thought my biggest character flaw was, said I wore too many t-shirts. Seriously. The relationship didn't work out for unresolvable intellectual differences. :)

But I have been thinking about the t-shirt thing lately and am sort of curious why it is so noticeable that I wear them almost everyday. I also wear jeans and underwear everyday and that's not note-worthy. Why is it strange that I would wear a t-shirt everyday when it is apparently not strange to wear cute stupid functionless high-maintenance shows-too-much shirts everyday?

It is not that I don't care what I wear. I have actually thought this out and have several good reasons why I choose t-shirts over "girly" shirts:
1. T-shirts are not stumbling over my outfit! Girly shirts are known to be a source of struggle for men.
2. T-shirts go with jeans, which is almost all I own. Girly shirts require the additional purchase of girly pants, which require the additional purchase of special underwear that doesn't show all just gets very expensive.
3. T-shirts do not show sweaty armpits as quickly as tighter girly shirts do.
4. T-shirts are versatile and appropriate for any daily activity in any season. I can go for a walk, run to Wal-Mart, visit my neighbors, go to a movie, grocery shop, rake leaves, and meet someone for coffee all in the same day and never have to change my clothes, even if I break a small sweat (see #3 above).
5. T-shirts are inexpensive, long-lasting, and they wash easily, making them a very economical choice. Girly shirts have special washing instructions, and often cost more than t-shirts but wear out faster.

I'd be interested in hearing some good reasons why I should NOT wear a t-shirt everyday. Anyone?


Anonymous said...

Maybe if u keep on wearing cheap t-shirts (u can get a pack of 6 of them for like $10 if u don't need writing on them), you can afford your Chevy Trailblazer. :)

Anonymous said...

Some people have jobs where they must wear more professional looking clothing. Sidenote: many are modest with their choice of clothing. Things can be feminine and not revealing.

Anonymous said...

The above was not meant as a shot about you not having a job, but just to say that if you are lucky enough to wear lounge clothes to work, then so be it, but many have to wear professional clothing as their company deems necessary.

Anonymous said...

We need a new update

Anonymous said...

hey, how was your Christmas?

Anonymous said...

I think I recall this comment myself as I am the "old boyfriend" who is being referred to. I merely made the comment b/c I choose to dress a little more professional as I want people to take me seriously. I am in no way saying that wearing a t-shirt takes all professionalism and throws it out the window.
However, you can't tell me that professional people in the workforce today wear t-shirts to work, b/c that is just not the case. I have never seen a CEO, teacher, or professor in a t-shirt and come to think about it even the baggers at Wal-Mart look somewhat professional in a simple polo shirt.
Teachers in schools today find plenty of professional shirts to wear that are not revealing at all, so if they can find some they must be out there. I find it a little funny that a comment that was made around 4 years ago is still a topic of conversation. If you like wearing t-shirts all the time who cares what other people think about you. You are the one who lives your life so I wish you the best in your t-shirt wearing future.