July 08, 2006

You might be an employee at Harpers Ferry KOA if...

1. You can do a whole load of laundry of just yellow shirts.
2. You answer your home phone with, "It's a great day at Harpers Ferry KOA..."
3. You cannot find the piece of equipment/tool you are looking for.
4. You find the missing piece of equipment and discover it is broken.
5. Your alcohol consumption is directly proportional to that night's number of reservations.
6. Your phone rings at 1:30am and it is a camper calling to say they are sorry they are late but they are about 10 minutes away now and want to know what site they are in.
7. You realize at work one day that all your fellow employees are 14 years old.
8. You realize the next day that the ones who aren't 14 still act 14.
9. You come to work the next day and no one else does.
10. Upon clocking out for the day, you run to the bathroom and change into your Casual Camper costume so no one will stop you on your way home and ask you to please deliver 2 cords of wood and a six-pack of Bud Light to their site.
11. Your little sister, who is doing volunteer work this summer, makes more money than you do.
12. You go down to the pool for a little pre-work swim and discover that the pool is closed because someone pooped in the skimmer last night.
13. The computers go down, the theater floods, two new hires don't show up for their first day, the city shuts off your water for repairs and forgets to notify you, the health department comes for inspection, and you catch an underage employee buying themselves some beer all in one day and it is not the worst day you've had all summer.


Deven said...

Wow. You all live a crazyscary life.

Amy said...

whew. I think I'll go pray for you guys again.

love you and miss you!