August 17, 2007


It has been approx. 1 month since Maria and I said tearful goodbyes and she left me for the lone star state. It has been a most interesting month since she left. I have realized some things:

1. My clothes don't wash themselves. (sad but true).
2. I think my dog likes my wife more than me (I think it is because she walks
him more regularly than I do..).
3. I can't cook (at least not well).
4. It is weird to sleep in a big bed by yourself every night after having
another person with you there for so long.
5. I don't shave as much when nobody is going to be kissing me (and my dog
doesn't count).
6. I watch way to much TV when I am bored.
7. I eat better, sleep better, get more done with my day, am more disciplined
and overall am probably just a better person when Maria is with me.
8. It is hard for me to drink a whole gallon of milk by myself before it
9. I actually like yogurt with granola in it. Wierd.

I am sure there is more, but these are just some of my initial 1st month of being apart observations. Maybe I will do one of these every month just to let you know what I am learning about me. There have been more deep spiritual lessons and marriage lessons learned as well, but I will save those for later.


Deven said...

I empathize with you. I make a terrible bachelorette. From time to time Stephen has to leave for training, and since he's the one who does the cooking, things look very scary while he's gone. He's leaving in October for some more training, but now I have two kids to look after as well. Good thing Katy likes hot dogs...

The Swartys said...

man so glad you are learning things. Variety is the spice o life, but feel ya on a few things. Well adios my friend.

Amanda said...

Josh has been in Asia for a week and a half. When he's around, I like to think the mess is his doing; now I know I'm just kidding myself :)