April 08, 2008

Terrific in Texas

Texas is not exactly my first choice of places to live on this planet...getting used to it has been full of challenges. However, I've discovered that when I look for them, there are some really great things about this state (which, might I remind all you Texans, is exactly what Texas is--a state. One state that together, with all the other 49, make up the UNITED States, which is a nation. Texas--albeit a very big state--is not a country or nation in itself, despite what you are apparently taught here. Sorry for bursting your bubble. Actually, I'm not. You had it coming.).

Okay, so I thought it might help me to remember these good things about Texas, the state, if I wrote them down. So as long as we live here, every time I think of another excellent feature of life in the state of Texas, I'm going to post it. Maybe by the time we leave I'll have convinced some of you to move down here!! :)

Today's Terrific in Texas is the extended Autumn and Spring seasons. I was very disappointed with the "cold" season and am still deeply mourning the loss of a meaningful winter (one in which I actually wear my winter coat), but on the flip side, there are really long periods of time where the weather hovers between 50 and 70, which is what I believe Heaven weather will be maintained at. :) It's the kind of weather that, to me, doesn't really belong in any season and does not make me feel like it is any certain time of the year (which is why I think it'd make excellent temperatures for eternity), but it is just plain nice, easy, uncomplicated and undemanding weather...it doesn't interfere with outdoors plans or make other tasks (like hauling groceries up three flights of stairs) difficult (or any more difficult, I should say).

Someone will have to remind me this summer, when it is over 100 degrees for 30 days in a row, that I actually was thankful for Texas weather at one point. :)


Micah said...

believe me, you'll really appreciate "winter" in texas once you have summer... it's rough.

Jamie Hilty said...

I'll give you this Wisconsin winter right now! We had snow yesterday! And more will come next week! What on earth?!

Maria, I've lost your email and I wanted to keep in touch...I was reading through our February blog again and saw that you had wanted me to email you...but I can't yet. Could you email me first (jamieleahilty@gmail.com)? Thanks!