October 14, 2005

We're home!!

We are just finishing our first week back in Marion...it is good to be home! It's been so great catching up with friends and meeting neighbors and just getting back into the swing of life here. We have so many people to reconnect with that we have shared a meal with someone every day since we got here, which is so cool! Our apartment is starting to look normal (by normal I mean a low packed box to unpacked box ratio) and we are actually planning to start painting it this weekend already. Crazy!

We are both still looking for jobs, but I (Maria) am spending my mornings babysitting for the family we rent from...Todd is SO cute and so fun to hang out with...definitely watch for pictures to come!

Anyway, we just wanted to catch you all up and let you know we are still alive and functioning; blogging has just sort of taken a back burner for now. :) Have a great day, everyone!


Hummel Family said...

I think I passed your Hubby at IWU (I think on Monday!) Caislyn and I were going into the Religion Dept to see my Mom...(we were visiting MArion for the weekend) BUT I, for some reason, thought my eyes were playing tricks on me...I didn't know you were coming back to Marion! How Cool!

Goodluck on the jobs!

Amy said...

glad to hear you guys have made the transition and are now closer! I've been thinking of you often :)

Jess said...


hey! how's it going? i stumbled on your blog via pk's. we'll be in marion on halloween, so maybe we'll run into each other...why were you out in south dakota? it's fun to have an update from you!

jess [dvorak] schmerse