May 15, 2006

I am a cutter...of coupons, that is...

I love cutting coupons. One of the biggest highlights of my week is cutting out the coupons in the Sunday paper...sometimes I even wake up early on Sunday morning, too excited about the possible coupons to sleep! I end up throwing away a lot of the coupons I cut, but some of them I do use, and let me tell you, there are few feelings that compare to getting a great deal with a coupon.

One of the local grocery stores occasionally has Triple Coupon week, when they will triple the value of your coupon (up to 99 cents) when you use your value card. This week I managed to get a box of Kudos granola bars for four cents, another for 64 cents, a big tube of Colgate toothpaste for 24 cents, and a half gallon of Breyers ice cream for 25 cents. Those are some great deals, but they don't beat the one Triple Coupon week when the store actually paid me 30 cents to buy a box of Bisquick. That was neat. :)

The thing I really love about using coupons, though, is not that I save money; it's that I'm "sticking it" to the store. Making them give me a great deal that they hadn't really meant to give. It's like finding some great loophole that not everyone sees and proving to the store that I am not a stupid consumer. Getting them back for overcharging me all the rest of the time.

This was evident yesterday when Nate and I went to Uno's for lunch after church. I had a coupon for $5 off a $15 food purchase. We were stuffed after our meal, but our bill hadn't quite made the minimum yet, so we ordered a $5 dessert anyway just so we could use the coupon. Because it wasn't as much about saving the money as it was "sticking it" to the restaraunt.

There are lots of yucky money-costing things in this world that I cannot do anything about...late fees, the hiking of gas prices, the rediculous cost of a Starbucks coffee, etc...but I will get revenge with my coupons. Oh yes, I will get revenge.


Combs said...

Hey guys,
it's good to hear from you again, though I guess it would have been sooner had I been checking blogs more regularly. Maria its good to see that everything is going well, except for the fact that everythings seems to be falling apart. I don't know if I'll see you guys at Yanky and Allison's wedding, so tell Nate I say hi. As it turns out I'll be back in PA for a while, the summer at least and my summer hiking may take me down you're way. Maybe I'll drop by for an hour or so. I'm glad your blogging again.

Anonymous said...

Combs! Good to hear from you! And not EVERYTHING is falling apart...just everything at the campground. We are fine. :) We won't be at Yankey's wedding, but if you wind up down this way at all, be sure to let us know!!!