May 14, 2006

Okay, God, what are You up to here?

You know those moments when something happens...something very small and seemingly insignificant...and something about that moment just stays with you in a really big way? I had one such moment yesterday. Nate and I took the dog out for our nightly walk and decided to take the long way home, through the campground, just to see how things were going around the park. We were walking up from the tent area when I noticed a disabled girl using a walker to follow some other kids up a grassy hill. I thought she was really cute and watching her struggle up that small knob kinda tugged at my heart...I wanted to help her get up there! I was just about to turn my eyes away when all of a sudden she lost her balance and just kinda tipped over. I ran over to make sure she was okay, and as I helped her up, I was surprised to realize she wasn't trying to stand up on her own, but that she was leaning into me, trying to get her arms around my neck. I didn't really know what to do...I didn't want to alarm any watching parents by picking up their child, but this girl was leaving me no other option! So I wrapped her up in my arms (as much as one can wrap an 8-year old up in her arms) and just held her for a minute, rendered speechless at the trust this girl was showing to me, a complete stranger, and at the swirling mass of emotions I was feeling in that moment. Just about then her father arrived and I handed her back, he thanked me, and we continued on our way home.

Seems like no big deal, but all evening I thought about how much I'd wanted to help her up that hill and what I felt when she latched onto me. Even after I'd gone to bed, I just layed there and tried to understand why disabled people get to my heart the way they do. I told Nate maybe we should adopt a disabled child, because I'm sure there is a need for good homes for those kinds of kids...even as I said it I realized how strange such a statement was, coming from the mouth of someone who'd written a post just days earlier about not wanting to have kids. And there I was suggesting that we not only have kids, but that we have kids who need us more than about a lifetime commitment. Hello, God, I can see You've been working on some things here. :)

I don't have much more to say on the subject...I'm still just kind of overwhelmed by the thoughts I've had about it and curious as to what God has up His sleeve. ????

1 comment:

The Swartys said...

Great thoughts and definitely moments God chooses to use. Most of the time we are to busy or refuse to take that step into what He might be try to show us. Have a great week, keep the updates rollin.