September 10, 2006

Apple Pie?

Due to a great deal that I couldn't pass up, I now have approximately 2 bushels of apples (that means a lot of apples) that I need to use up very soon. I don't have much experience in knowing which recipes freeze well and which don't, so I need some help. If anyone has a great apple pie recipe that can be frozen after it is baked, please pass it along! Either leave it in a comment or e-mail it. Thank you! :)


Deven said...

I'll have to check with my step-grandmother-in-law (yikes), the queen of frozen pies.

Amy said...

I'll email my aunt--she's in a service club that does a huge Apple Festival in the fall which involves baking hundreds of freeze-able pies and dumplings :)

Anonymous said...

I don't have an apple pie recipe for you, but, rather, a suggestion. You could make crockpot applesauce. That is really good! Have fun baking!

Anonymous said...

My favorite is applesauce that can be frozen.
Just core the apples (leave on skins, cook slowly in a big pot til soft, throw in the blender (small portions), add a little cinnamon and sugar to your taste,
put in container and freeze. Of course eat some while it is warm.