September 09, 2006

Power of Prayer

Maria gets the feeling on Thursday morning like she needs to hit the floor with her knees, that God is urging her to prayer. Maria had planned to attend an aerobics class at the gym before work. Weighing the two options, Maria decides she will just pray in the car on the way to the aerobics class. Maria later learns of an event that occured on Thursday that had a rather undesirable outcome. Maria is stuck wondering if she would have prayed, if things would have turned out differently. If she could have stopped the yucky from coming.

I believe in the power of prayer, I really do. Which is why I can't get over the thought that I could have done something. Could I have fought off the enemy and avoided the current circumstances? The situation, technically, is not my fault, but if it could have been avoided had I done what I was supposed to, that does make me partially responsible for the way things are now.

What do I do with this?

1 comment:

Amy said...

this totally sucks...I don't know the answers, but I do know that the same grace which was greater than your sin when you first believed, is greater than this failure--and that if you haven't already done so, our Heavenly Father is waiting for you to bring it directly to Him.

it was so great talking with you earlier today. much love.