September 23, 2006

God's been working out!

I had a great conversation with one of the guys I work with at the gym last night...Friday nights are really slow, which gave us a chance to talk over subs from Subway. Just having a conversation at all was quite an answer to prayer, and the topic of conversation...well, isn't it just like God to go above and beyond? :)

This particular guy, who is just a bit older than me, just broke up with his girlfriend of 5 years. I have a really good feeling about it because he is a smart, quality guy and she--well, I don't know her well, so let's just say I never felt like they really "fit." So he's on a new track now, at that stage where he's sort of feeling things out, trying to get his bearings, figure out how to do this, etc. GREAT time for making some changes, if you ask me. :) Anyway, he asked me randomly if Nate and I's relationship changed when we got married. To be truthful, I told him yes, it did, some for the better and some for the not better. We have lots of things to work on. :) And before I could elaborate anymore on it, he asked me if we had lived together before we got married. I just about cried at the opportunity to explain to him how much that can damage a relationship, not make it better like the world says it will.

Nate and I did not live together before we got married, but we struggled with physical things for most of our dating life; sometimes I feel like, considering all that went on, we basically did live together but just didn't call it that because that is a sin you can't hide, while physical things you sort of can. So I am well aware of the psychological and emotional turmoil that a woman experiences when certain marriage-only benefits are pursued outside of marriage. As I was talking to this guy about all of this, I was discouraged at my inability to find words to accurately describe what happens without sharing too much detail...we have not been friends that long and I didn't want to gross him out or overwhelm him or make him feel awkward. At the same time, though, I wanted to convey the seriousness of the situation.

We only had 10 minutes or so to talk, so obviously it wasn't a real in-depth discussion, but I feel like it's got him thinking and perhaps re-thinking some of his habits. You guys, out of everyone I work with, I feel like this guy has the most potential in life--he is smart, curious, and bold about the things he believes in--and is really someone who, if he ever got hooked on Jesus, could really do some damage for the Kingdom. And this big time of change in his life might be just the primest of all prime times for him to make that decision. Please join me in prayer for this man's future and for my own wisdom to open my mouth when I should and be bold in a way that does not push him away.

This is SO exciting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nate and Maria,
I'm so glad that I stumbled upon your blog! I've read through all of your posts and am encouraged to read that you two are doing so well, and growing in your relationship with one another.
David and I will be adding you two, and this new young man to our prayer list, in hopes that God will shine and work through you, Maria, to His Glory.
Keep up the posts, and check out our website, if you don't quite remember me! (Nate better!!)

Stephanie Burton (Clinch)